Friday, 31 August 2012

Site specific performance opportunity for The Magdalen Street Celebrations!

Waiting, shifting, shoppers .....

I am embarking on a project for the Magdalen Street festival 2012 and am looking for movers/performers/anyone who feels comfortable in moving in an outside space. I am proposing to do three short 10-15 minute performance pieces that 'pop up' in three different locations around Magdalen street, Anglia Square and St Augustines ending up at the graveyard.
The piece will celebrate the spaces represented by a developing long line of stones which will link the spaces(TBC). The audience/passers by will be incouraged to walk along the line as a guided walk at the end of the pieces. At the moment I am using the shifting spaces and characteristics of the shoppers as movement inspiration. Movements which involve simple repetitive gestures, everyday movements, walking, sitting and standing. The movement material will come from both in studio and on-site workshops to take place in September and October.

There will be a total of 5 rehearsals with an extra 6th rehearsal on the week of the performance. The dates are: Wednesdays 12th, 19th, 26th September and 3rd, 10th October with the last date TBC.It would be great to see you at the First workshop on Wednesday 12th at St Thomas Hall, Earlham road.

Please email me to confirm your interest in the project or phone me to discuss it further on 07525613398 This is a great opportunity to perform in a site specific project and I hope you can join me....

You can join me on facebook events also..

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