"What does it mean to connect with the soil?"
Here are some photos of the show kindly taken by John Boursnell... Thanks to Holly Rumble for sorting out video and the space!....
"What does it mean to connect with the soil?"
You are invited to attend my first "itch before the scratch" show at the Norwich Arts Centre on Friday 30th November at 2.30pm.
The performance will be followed by a feedback session and cake!
Monday 16th July 2012
My loving cat Monty is looking at me as he sits on my desk expectantly! "well, are you going to feed me then?" He seems to say with his intense stare.
I'm not sure where to begin or where the beginning is anymore! We discussed this briefly at a planning meeting at MORAG (see discussion page for more about project). ideas of where things begin or do they ever begin as an idea leads to another....
I remember 8 years ago when I was thinking about installation ideas and how to create a performance involving myself. I started thinking about a triptych performance set in three different rooms. The viewer or audience would enter each in tern and be taken on a journey of thoughts and feelings. I became interested in how you let things go in life and help to unblock old emotions. The idea where people could dig things up metaphorically or physically in order to face these buried feelings, ideas etc, in order to release them and feel better somehow!
So one room would be digging things up, the next would be a corridor space to represent going on a journey and transformation, the third room would be burying the object or thought to lay it to rest!
For years I pondered over this idea without a clear way to explore it further. It was almost so big to start with that it became too overwhelming to tackle!
Whilst working at a holiday park in 2006 I had an interesting experience adapting to my new environment but again felt a little overwhelmed in my situation. After leaving the job I decided to bury my work t-shirt to help me release the negative emotions I was experiencing and help me move on.. I found this very therapeutic and it planted the seed of thought...
I started becoming interested in the actions of planting and burial. I had buried my top not to physically grow something but to let it go and transform it into a good feeling. When we plant and bury, the action is the same yet the intention is different, as we plant in order to grow or bury in order to forget, hide or let go? Maybe it depends on the relationship we have the thing, feeling that we are burying or planting. I really like the theme of transformation, which is a new way that I am looking at this topic. Do we ever bury things to hide them? Are we releasing them the same way as a body or growing them as we do a seed? I have been exploring these two words to see how they can be similar and different too generate further ideas.