In February 2013 live Art Collective Other/Other/Other were commissioned to host an evening of happenings and respond to the exhibition and the First Site Gallery Building in Colchester.


The simple act of rolling was a direct response to the Hammer prints wall paper hangings on the gallery wall.
I decided to inhabit the interior surfaces of the space, like wallpaper inhabits the wall. Through the process of rehearsing the rolling, I discovered that their was a technique to it:


1. Keep the body rigid at points to allow for a straight roll.
2. Imagine the ground is a memory foam mattress to allow the body to soften into the floor.

Whilst rehearsing I also realised that my original plan to continually roll for 30 minutes was too ambitious. After 5 minutes I became tired and sore. I discovered that the piece was evolving into an endurance test which I felt was relevant to share with the audience. I decided to roll for 15 minutes and then deliver a rolling report. I therefore emotionally peeled back the layers of my experience.


1. How does your body feel?
2. Thoughts whilst rolling?
3. Has the space changed?


During the performance members of the public spontaneously joined in and started rolling with me. This created a new layer to the performance and transformed the private internal struggle into a playful public event! Various members of the public rolled along the floor, up a slope, along a sloped wall, under a wall, in a window...

At the end of the event Other/Other/Other members collectively rolled together to celebrate the success of the evening. They all agreed it was hard work indeed!

Thank you to John Boursnell for documentation and programming.