Welcome to my new Blog Site!
It is a sigh of relief to address you in the first person and not feel like I am attending a job interview!!!
Yes it is my excitment to try and "sell" myself to you but I shall do so through my rambellings, spelling mistakes and pictures instead of having a stiff upper lip!
So I shall start from last year and my new ish aadventure of LIVE ART! I am on a quest to understand and engage in this art form in as many ways as possible. I shall share Artists that inspire me, and those that I dont understand!!
In my attenpt to unpick and re-pick LIVE ART I shall also undergo practical 'experiments' and set myself many activities which you can also try at home too! This is a great space to share processes so I hope to chat freely about them!
So about me.....
I have been performing for nearly 8 years now and working on my solo choreography.( This word is very important and sometimes it is a fear that I may mis-spell it! Once whilst I was trying to promote myself I mis-spelled the word DANCE to DACE!!! As you can imagine I was mortified and had no replies!!!)
I shall let my rambelings and pictures do the rest of the talking now.......
Check out my new website.... http://www.kstclaire.co.uk/